Gloria Antonelli

Gloria Antonelli fits the current definition of a UX Unicorn – a web designer/developer with UX chops. Gloria attended her first UX workshop “Elements of User Experience” in 2004. Now an advocate of Lean UX, Gloria infuses her skills in rapid prototyping, front end development, user testing, and ideation within the WordPress design process. Her expertise also spans CSS, IA, Content and Documentation Strategies.

Gloria started presenting about the web in 1998 at local and national conferences and workshops. She began working with WordPress in 2006 and has been delighted to share her knowledge at WordCamps in Chicago, Detroit, Grand Rapids and Milwaukee. Happiness for Gloria besides researching UX trends, Mobile and App development is scuba diving in exotic locations.

About Brian Richards

I am the creator of []( and began using WordPress in 2007. In 2011 I started leading and training development teams and really started to come alive. Through WPSessions, I've had the privilege of organizing dozens of WordPress events, producing more than 400 presentations and hosting speakers from all over the globe. Since discovering WordPress, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many amazing WordPress agencies and experts. These relationships have allowed me to help develop sites for Cornell University, Microsoft, Disney, TIME, YMCA, and numerous others. My real passion is for self-directed learning and helping others develop skills and workflows to better solve important and complicated problems. I can’t resist helping good people do great things!