Taylor Vanden Hoek

Taylor Vanden Hoek is a West Michigan native with a passion for design in any form. Her Bachelors in Fine Arts from the Illinois Institute of Art prepped her well for her career as a print and web designer. Having been doing design for 8+ years, she’s had the opportunity to work with creative agencies and now work independently with a variety of clients.

She has a particular interest in the intersection of design and the entrepreneurial spirit which has led her to work with many tech startups in helping to bring their product or service to launch from initial investment to sustaining a large client base. Additionally, she’s extended this skill-set to work with organizations one-on-one and through AIGA West Michigan’s Weekend Blitz, using design to leverage a larger impact in her community.

About Brian Richards

I am the creator of [WPSessions.com](http://wpsessions.com/) and began using WordPress in 2007. In 2011 I started leading and training development teams and really started to come alive. Through WPSessions, I've had the privilege of organizing dozens of WordPress events, producing more than 400 presentations and hosting speakers from all over the globe. Since discovering WordPress, I’ve had the opportunity to work with many amazing WordPress agencies and experts. These relationships have allowed me to help develop sites for Cornell University, Microsoft, Disney, TIME, YMCA, and numerous others. My real passion is for self-directed learning and helping others develop skills and workflows to better solve important and complicated problems. I can’t resist helping good people do great things!