WordCamp isn’t just an opportunity to discover new tools and techniques. It’s also a chance to meet people in the industry, to hear their unique stories and perspectives, and share your own.
Aaron Lehrman
Aaron Steinmann@BrewhausMedia
Agu Maduka
Alicia Brammer
Amy Preston@heyamypreston
Andrew Marquez
Andy Keson@AndyKeson
Andy Melichar@andymelichar
Anmarie James
Arron Houston
Arthur Weeks@artweeks
Ashley Maurer@ashmariemaurer
Bill Sullivan@sullidigital
BJ Clark
Brett Dilley@PolymerPKG
Brian Richards@rzen
Brian Workman@rockaceone
Brin Wilson@WinningWP
Brittany Wilson
Brodie Ehresman@BrodieEhresman
Caley Lambert@caleyybrooke
Candi Johnson@C_N_Johnson
Candy DeHaan
Carie Coscarelli
Carol Davis@CLDavisDesigns
Cate DeRosia@mysweetcate
CoToyA McDonald
Courtney Boatin@outlet_web
Courtney King@KingOrchards
Cynthia Hoppe
Dan Hefferan@danhefferan
Dan Kaufman@danielrkaufman
David Wise
Dawn Mercier
Debra McGill@iasvirtual
Don Rhoads
Doug Smith@douglsmith
Ema DeRosia@naviknowswp
Felix Sithiphone@felixsphone
Frank Schmidt
Frederick Polk@oneblackcrayon
George Melcher@a2hosting
Grace Drabicki@grace_dabicki
Heather Scott
Hillary Norfleet@H_Norfleet
Ivan Garma Mendez
J Andrew Scott@oneeyedjames
J.R. Muller@jrmuller
Jack King@KingOrchards
Jeanine Farrar
Jeff Large@realjefflarge
Jeff Meyers
Jennifer Walker
Jill Myllyoja
Jim Bowser
Jim Thrower@throwerjim
Joe Greve
Joe Simpson@joesimpsonjr
Joel Boonstra
John Farrar@sosensible
John Hwang@tavon
John Jacoby@JJJ
John Lopez
John Oleszkiewicz@oleszkij
John Sainz@insainz27
Jon DeWent
Jon Edney@thejonedney
Joseph Andersen
Josh Compaan
Joshua Jenks@joshuadjenks
Joyce Thomas
Julian Lankard
Justin Ferriman@justinferriman
Karin Beyer
Katie Richards@KJRichards
Katy Christensen@khchristensen
Kedron Rhodes
Kellen Mace@kellenmace
Kelly Stevens
Kenneth Balos
Kerri Johnson@grandrapidsgymnastics
Kevin Bonneville
Kim Smith@kimsmith
Kristina Berry
Kurtis Edwards@cartokurtis
Kyle Maurer@MrKyleMaurer
Laila Ali
Laura Eagin@ellellco
Laura Hedgecock@LauraLHedgecock
LaVonne Carlson@LVCarlson
Leeann Drees@ellellco
Lyndi Weener-Kuiper@LyndiLeighWK
Lynne Rowland
Magdalene Law
Makayla Carpenter@mcarpenter2313
Margaret O'Donnell
Marion Gooding@digory79
Mark Sisson
Matt Christensen@the_real_mattc
Max Myers@maxdmyers
Megan J Norton@go2megan
Melissa Sisson
Michael Ratliff
Mies Martin@sirmies
Mike Hale@mikehale
Mike Reid
Mitch Dawkins
Nancy Durkee
Nate Reist@natereist
Nathan Darter
Nicole Paschen Caylor@BGNicolePaschen
Pete Ford
Peter DeHaan
Ree Horcher@momisageek
RJ Mey@wickedurge
Roger Roelofs@rogerroelofs
Ronald Brammer
Ross Johnson@3pointross
Rudy Malmquist
Samantha Kalawart
Sara Dunn@Sara11D
Sarah Gooding@pollyplummer
Scott Werner
Sheila McRae@sheilaintc
Shelby Elliott@ShelbElliott
Sneha Rao
Son Koral@sonkoral
Sophia DeRosia@thetweeterninja
Stacy Vanden Heuvel@MtnWebs
Stephanie Balos
Steve Colthorp@3cstudio
Steve Grunwell@stevegrunwell
Steve Persch@stevector
Tate Kalawart
Taylor Colotti@taylorcolotti
Tim Johnson@tjohns408
Tim Nolte@tnolte
Tom Roberts@WildOakWeb
Topher DeRosia@topher1kenobe
tracy apps@tapps
Veronica Williams@Veronica_Robin
Wally David@wallydavid3
Winston Hofer