Inventing Your Future ⚡️

Learn how to make the most of the opportunities that are in front of you. In this 15 minute introductory session, Brian Richards will give you a few profound tips that could dramatically transform your experiences at WCGR and beyond.

Advanced Custom Fields for Beginners ⚡️

Advanced Custom Fields is a powerful plugin to add and use metadata with your WordPress site. This lightning talk will get you up and running with the plugin and an example of what you can build with Advanced Custom Fields.

Up and Running with WP-CLI ⚡️

Traditionally, interacting with WordPress is largely a graphical affair: many users rely on WP Admin to manage themes, plugins, content, and everything else. For situations where you need to be able to script WordPress interactions, however, nothing compares to the power of WP-CLI, the official command line interface for WordPress.

This session acts as a primer for WP-CLI, scratching the surface of what can be done and how it fits into the WordPress workflow. Whether you’ve never heard of WP-CLI or have been using it as part of your daily WordPress rituals, you’re sure to learn at least a few useful tricks.

3 Ways to Make Your Web Forms More Awesome ⚡️

We’re all pretty familiar with standard contact forms. But pour some rocket fuel on forms, and you’ll be surprised at all they can do! We’ll dive into the Gravity Forms plugin and talk about awesome features that will make your forms more useful or easier for website visitors to use.

A Few of My Favorite WordPress Life Hacks ⚡️

Everyone loves some handy tips and tricks, right? How about a huge list of all the ways I have personally improved my workflows, processes, production quality, and even lifestyle? I’ve been building WordPress sites, writing code, working remotely, and generally doing all things WordPress for years now and I’ve discovered a whole lot of cool stuff in that time. Come see the curtain get pulled back and learn which tools I value the most and the good habits I’ve developed which have made the biggest impact on my life.

WordCamp Grand Rapids 2018 is over. Check out the next edition!