Using WordPress’s API to Manage Your Data ⚡️

Walking through headless WordPress, how it can be leveraged to serve structured data to a NON-WP frontend while still taking advantage of the world-class content management system that WordPress provides.

All Successful Websites Do This 1 Thing… ⚡️

What makes a website successful? In less than 15min you’ll learn the simple key to massive website results.

This session will explore the basics of analytics and marketing tracking to help you understand how to talk with your team, keep them accountable, and better understand ROI and a smart investment.

Getting Started as an Affiliate Marketer ⚡️

Every business whether it’s service based or about delivering information can incorporate a natural approach to affiliate marketing. I’ll give actionable steps to follow and you’ll be meeting needs for your people in no time!

Contributing to WordPress: Moving From User to Contributor ⚡️

Are you currently a user, or consumer, of WordPress but have been wanting to give back to the community in some way? Have you been developing themes or plugins for yourself or company but never released anything to Have you learned a lot about WordPress and have wondered how you can share what you’ve learned and give back to the community? In this session, I’ll give some easy steps you can take to get involved, including sharing my own experiences over the years with being involved and giving back to the amazing WordPress community.

Hushing the Demons in the Closet ⚡️

We spend a lot of time in front of a computer without any social interaction. Sometimes that is great. Sometimes that causes demons to get in your closet. We will talk about the stuff no one likes to talk about. How to handle depression, social anxiety, and keep yourself healthy mentally and physically.

Session: Confessions of a Type Nut: Quick tricks to get great type on your site, and why it matters ⚡️


I have OPINIONS on the shapes of PARTS of LETTERS.
In the scheme of things, you probably don’t want to get as picky as I am.

You want to make sure your type is easy to read.
You want to make sure it speaks in the same voice as your site — it looks like it belongs.

Those things matter—a lot.
(Would you choose a swirly script for Jiffy Lube? Didn’t think so.)

But you don’t have to spend decades to learn the basics. Just come spend a few minutes learning a few things that won’t change with the tech — at least as long as people still have eyes!

WordCamp Grand Rapids 2019 is over. Check out the next edition!